How do I Improve my Fuel Economy? These days you might be cringing at the gas pump each time you visit with the rising fuel prices. In this blog, we would like to discuss what you can do as a driver to improve your fuel economy and hopefully save you some money when it's time to fill up! Summer months are quickly approaching, when there is a rise in temperature, your fuel economy can actually increase because your engine doesn't have to work so hard to get up to a normal temperature. To counteract this though, there is the running of the A/C system in your vehicle that reduces fuel economy to keep the inside of the vehicle at a comfortable temperature. The easy solution to this you would think would be just rolling the windows down, right? But no. Rolling the windows down can also decrease fuel economy because now your vehicle is fighting against the wind resistance and using more power to push through that! Not to mention, who wants to roll the ... read more